TeDaC Ltd
Temperature and Humidity Mapping Survey Service
A trusted provider for SeerPharma UK
SeerPharma UK have developed a long relationship with TeDaC through our ‘Responsible Person Gold Standard’ course. Chris and James Bell have a wide range of temperature mapping experience covering pharmaceutical and medical device warehouses. What people often don’t realise is that TeDaC can also support you in data collection for vehicle qualification and route validation.
We consider that what makes TeDaC reports stand out is the effort that goes into teasing out the right conclusions from the data. As MHRA GDP Inspectors this was something we were always keen to review and see done properly, demonstrating that the performance of the storage area was understood by both the licence holder and Responsible Person; we felt that many providers’ reports were just not up to scratch – we would like our customers to benefit from TeDaC’s experience and expertise.
Madeleine Ault
Director and Senior Consultant